EP was founded in 1974 with the mission of ensuring that the environment is preserved, environmental laws are complied with and we can leave a better place for future generations to live in.
Our differential is the integration of services and products through our 360° Solution, which allows companies to centralize various solutions in a single partner.
He is a degree in chemical engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Joaquim da Rocha Almeida. Working as an employee in some engineering companies, he noticed the need for an analysis laboratory that could develop processes and identify contaminants in waste streams, for industries of all segments.
With his background and entrepreneurial ideal, he founded EP Engenharia do Processo in 1974, aiming to supply the market with laboratory analysis for production process control and environmental control. Years later, with his experience and acquired knowledge, he composed a team for projects, since the laboratory, previously set up, gave all the support for the development of the process.
In 1993 the boiler shop is inaugurated in the municipality of Nazaré Paulista in an acquired area of 72,000 m², with a built area of 7000 m², where tanks, compact stations, large equipment are manufactured and years later the factory for products for water treatment of cooling towers, high pressure boilers, reverse osmosis systems and water and effluent treatment was set up, called EP Química.
In 2004, with a complete laboratory, in terms of equipment and trained professionals, a new company, EP Analítica, was created, offering laboratory analysis with excellence. Today one of the most complete in the country and with a large number of parameters accredited by Inmetro.
To serve their customers in a complete way, where any and all needs related to water and effluents, they could find in a single company, was born the EP Equipment in 2015, offering the market parts, items and consumables for treatment systems.
That's how after more than 50 years, taking one step at a time, structuring ourselves and growing in a sustainable way, today we have more than 500 employees spread across Brazil, divided between the 4 areas of operation and without losing our values and tradition we have become EP!
Of all the water available on the planet, 97.5% is salty and only 2.5% is fresh. Of the latter, 99.7% is found in polar ice caps and deep groundwater that is difficult to access, while only 0.3% is found in rivers and shallow groundwater. Of this small amount of fresh water available for consumption in the world, 14% is found in Brazil. However, 73% of this amount is available in the Amazon region, inhabited by less than 5% of the population. The southeast, which is home to 43% of the population, has only 6% of this total.
In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly officially recognized access to safe drinking water and sanitation as essential human rights for the full enjoyment of life. The decision highlights the importance of equitable access as a component of the realization of other rights.
Today, the world is experiencing an alarming sanitation situation: 2.5 billion people do not have basic sanitation and 780 million people lack access to drinking water (UN, 2014). In Brazil the figure is 35 million without access to drinking water and more than 100 million without access to sewage collection.
Diseases caused by drinking contaminated water, such as diarrhea, cholera, meningitis, hepatitis A and E, typhoid fever, and dysentery kill five million people a year – 10x more than wars. It is estimated that 60% of infant mortality has this same origin.
Added to this extremely worrying scenario of neglect and lack of water governance, we live in a crucial moment in history, when countries are discussing agreements on how to deal with climate change, which has caused major changes in rainfall and water availability in various parts of the world, with serious consequences, especially for the poorest populations.
In 2015, one in three municipalities declared a state of emergency due to drought, mostly in the Northeast region of Brazil. Greater São Paulo has come very close to a collapse in the water supply for its 20 million inhabitants.
Thus, we live a picture of water stress, population with lack of access to quality water, no comprehensive sanitation, diseases related to these deficiencies silently killing people, climate change, water crisis in several regions of the world and according to UN forecasts, the global demand for water may exceed the annual available resources by 44% by 2050.
How can you look at this scenario and not take any action? Water is Life, and each drop is a reflection of the attitudes of each one of us.
It is being a protagonist, curious to learn new skills, knowledge and areas. Also, seek to share this knowledge with the team.
Constantly thinking about improving products, services and processes.
Knowing and following procedures and ensuring that others do the same.
He delivers what he promises with integrity, is coherent between his speech and his attitudes. Punctuality, time management with productivity.
It’s about going beyond what is expected, exceeding expectations, not limiting yourself to solving problems in your area but helping other departments in other projects.
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